8 research outputs found

    Application of iterative nonlinear model predictive control to a batch pilot reactor

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    IFAC WORLD CONGRESS (16) (16.2005.PRAGA, REP脷BLICA CHECA)The aim of this article is to present the Iterative Model Predictive Controller, inmpc, as a good candidate to control chemical batch reactors. The proposed control approach is derived from a model-based predictive control formulation which takes advantage of the repetitive nature of batch processes. The proposed controller combines the good qualities of Model Predictive Control (mpc) with the possibility of learning from past batches, that is the base of Iterative Control. It uses a nonlinear model and a quadratic objective function that is optimized in order to obtain the control law. The controller is tested on a batch pilot reactor, and a comparison with an Iterative Learning Controller (ilc) is made. Under input constraints and for this nonlinear plant, a fast convergence rate is obtained with the proposed controller, showing good operational results. Although the controller is designed for discrete-time systems, it is a necessary condition that the continuous-time model does not present blow-up characteristics. The batch pilot reactor emulates an exothermal chemical reaction by means of electrical heating

    Iterative nonlinear model predictive control of a PH reactor. A comparative analysis

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    IFAC WORLD CONGRESS (16) (16.2005.PRAGA, REP脷BLICA CHECA)This paper describes the control of a batch pH reactor by a nonlinear predictive controller that improves performance by using data of past batches. The control strategy combines the feedback features of a nonlinear predictive controller with the learning capabilities of run-to-run control. The inclusion of real-time data collected during the on-going batch run in addition to those from the past runs make the control strategy capable not only of eliminating repeated errors but also of responding to new disturbances that occur during the run. The paper uses these ideas to devise an integrated controller that increases the capabilities of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC) with batch-wise learning. This controller tries to improve existing strategies by the use of a nonlinear controller devised along the last-run trajectory as well as by the inclusion of filters. A comparison with a similar controller based upon a linear model is performed. Simulation results are presented in order to illustrate performance improvements that can be achieved by the new method over the conventional iterative controllers. Although the controller is designed for discrete-time systems, it can be applied to stable continuous plants after discretization

    Iterative Nonlinear Control of a Semibatch Reactor. Stability Analysis

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    This paper presents the application of Iterative Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, INMPC, to a semibatch chemical reactor. The proposed control approach is derived from a model-based predictive control formulation which takes advantage of the repetitive nature of batch processes. The proposed controller combines the good qualities of Model Predictive Control (MPC) with the possibility of learning from past batches, that is the base of Iterative Control. It uses a nonlinear model and a quadratic objective function that is optimized in order to obtain the control law. A stability proof with unitary control horizon is given for nonlinear plants that are affine in control and have linear output map. The controller shows capabilities to learn the optimal trajectory after a few iterations, giving a better fit than a linear non-iterative MPC controller. The controller has applications in repetitive disturbance rejection, because they do not modify the model for control purposes. In this application, some experiments with a disturbance in inlet water temperature has been performed, getting good results.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnolog铆a DPI2004-07444-C04-0

    Control predictivo-interactivo basado en modelo y aplicado a procesos por lotes

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    Este art铆culo presenta una soluci贸n al control de procesos por lotes basado en un esquema predictivo no lineal. El controlador propuesto incluye caracter铆sticas propias de control iterativo, como es la capacidad de cancelar las perturbaciones que se repiten. El controlador se basa en un modelo del proceso, y es capaz de aprender de un lote al siguiente. Se demuestra que el controlador propuesto es capaz de estabilizar sistemas lineales, y tambi茅n cualquier planta no lineal y af铆n en el control con funci贸n de salida lineal. Una aplicaci贸n experimental sobre una planta real de laboratorio corrobora los resultados te贸ricos esperadosMinisterio de Ciencia y Tecnolog铆a DPI2004-07444-C04-0

    Modelado y control de una termobatidora para extracci贸n de aceite de oliva

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    XXI Jornadas de Autom谩tica 2000. 18/09/2000. SevillaEste art铆culo describe el proceso de modelado, mediante ecuaciones diferenciales no lineales, de una termobatidora que forma parte del proceso de extracci贸n de aceite de oliva en una almazara. Muestra adem谩s, los resultados en simulaci贸n del empleo de diversas estrategias de control aplicadas sobre el modelo no lineal obtenido, las cuales ser谩n diferentes versiones del algoritmo de control predictivo DMC, diferenciadas, sobre todo, por el tratamiento que se da a las perturbaciones medibles. El resultado se compara finalmente con un controlador PI est谩ndar. Previa a la implementaci贸n del control predictivo se ha realizado una fase de modelado lineal.Comisi贸n Europea FEDER 1FD97-083

    Control predictivo para procesos repetitivos

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    La finalidad de este trabajo es la obtenci贸n de mejoras en el control de dos tipos bien diferenciados de procesos, 脡stos pueden ser procesos definidos en torno a un punto de operaci贸n y sometidos a perturbaciones de tipo peri贸dico, o bien procesos tipo batch o por lotes. El problema de control ha surgido en aplicaciones como la fase de preparaci贸n del proceso de extracci贸n de aceite de oliva o una gran cantidad de procesos industriales que funcionan por lotes (qu铆micos, polimerizaci贸n, microelectr贸nica, producci贸n de medicamentos, etc.). Para conseguir mejorar en el control de estos procesos, se han dise帽ado controladores 贸ptimos, basados en la aplicaci贸n de la metodolog铆a del control predictivo basado en modelo en ambos casos. El control de procesos sometidos a perturbaciones peri贸dicas se puede abordar, entre otras t茅cnicas, mediante un control IMPC al cual se le a帽ade un bloque de predicci贸n 贸ptima de las perturbaciones. En el caso delos procesos por lotes se ha incorporado al controlador la capacidad de aprendizaje de lotes anteriores usando informaci贸n pasada. Los controladores propuestos, se han probado en simulaci贸n, lineal y no lineal, as铆 como en aplicaciones reales: una planta de laboratorio y la almazara

    Modelling and predictive control of an olive oil mill

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    This paper describes the modelling and predictive control of the extraction process in an olive oil mill. The work is focused on the thermal part of the process, where the raw material is prepared for the mechanical separation. The paper shows the development of a model based upon Orst principles combined with experimental results and validated with real data. Different control strategies have been tested under simulation, showing that good performance can be obtained by the use of a predictive controller that takes into account the measurable disturbances that appear in the process. Constraints in actuators are also included in the control strategUni贸n Europea 1FD97-083 (FEDER